How To Get All Orphan Users Present In SharePoint On-Premise Site

An Orphaned User is a user account that is available in SharePoint site but that user can’t access SharePoint any longer. This can be in a case if the user account is deleted or disabled from the Active Directory. In this blog, first, we are retrieving all the users from the user information list of the site collection, then we are checking whether those users are valid or invalid in our Active Directory. The below image shows all my users present in the user information list of the site collection. You can get the user information list by  navigating to “Siteurl + /_catalogs/users/detail.aspx
Add the below code:-

[code lang=”c”]
using System;
using System.Net;
using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
namespace OrphanUser
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
ClientContext ctx = new ClientContext(“http://portal/sites/site1”);

NetworkCredential cred = new NetworkCredential(“userName”,”passWord”);
ctx.Credentials = cred;

Web web = ctx.Web;
ListItemCollection itemColl = null;
User user = null;
bool isGroup = false;
string userName = string.Empty;
string status = string.Empty;

itemColl = web.SiteUserInfoList.GetItems(new CamlQuery());

items => items.Include(
item => item.FieldValuesAsText,
item => item.Id,
item => item.DisplayName));
foreach (ListItem itm in itemColl)
user = web.EnsureUser(itm.DisplayName);
u => u.LoginName);
isGroup = false;
catch { isGroup = true; }
if (!isGroup)
userName = itm.DisplayName;
if (userName.ToLower() == “NT AUTHORITY\authenticated users”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower() == “Helpdesk Administrator”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower() == “Everyone except external users”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower() == “SharePoint\\SYSTEM”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower() == “Everyone”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower().StartsWith(“nt authority\\”) ||
userName.ToLower() == “SharePoint App”.ToLower() ||
userName.ToLower() == “System Account”.ToLower()||
GetOrphanedUsers(ctx, web, itm.DisplayName);

public static void GetOrphanedUsers(ClientContext ctx, Web web, string userValue)

Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters query =
new Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters();
query.AllowEmailAddresses = false;
query.AllowMultipleEntities = false;
query.ForceClaims = false;
query.MaximumEntitySuggestions = 50;
query.PrincipalType = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.PrincipalType.All;
query.PrincipalSource = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.PrincipalSource.All;
query.QueryString = userValue;
query.AllUrlZones = false;
query.SharePointGroupID = 0;
query.WebApplicationID = new Guid(“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”);
ClientResult<String> resultInfo =
Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerWebServiceInterface.ClientPeoplePickerSearchUser(ctx, query);

catch { }

if (resultInfo == null || resultInfo.Value == null || resultInfo.Value == “[]”)
Console.WriteLine(userValue + ” is an Orphan user”);
catch { }


Result: It shows only the user accounts that are deleted or disabled from the Active Directory. This solution is brought to you by our SharePoint professionals. Softree Consulting employs SharePoint consultants; we are a technology services provider with the aim to help companies achieve exceptional performance through SharePoint. Our dedicated team of SharePoint consultants has the right bent of mind to understand and execute customer requirements. Be it SPFx or SharePoint add-in developments, SharePoint 2019 developments, web part developments, migrating from SharePoint 2010/2013 to SharePoint 2013/2016/Office 365, Office 365, SharePoint hosted apps development or something else in SharePoint, we strive to deliver the best
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