Wildcard search of Users using CSOM in SharePoint

In this blog, I will explain how to find users using ClientPeoplePickerSearchUser class. There are many ways in CSOM to get the users from SharePoint site or web but I did not find any proper way to perform wildcard search of users from SharePoint site using CSOM. For e.g lets, I want to find all users present in site collection where the first name starts with “John” or last name starts with “Patt”.

This below-mentioned code sample will help us to perform both wildcard search and explicit search as well. The output will be matching result whether it may be a collection of users or a single user.

The script as follows:-

[code lang=”c”]

using Microsoft.SharePoint.Client;
using System;
using System.Collections.Generic;
using System.Linq;
using System.Security;
using System.Text;
using System.Threading.Tasks;

namespace FindUserDetailsByPeoplepickerQuery
class Program
static void Main(string[] args)
string userToFind = “userToFind”; //it may be full or partial name of the user
string webUrl = “<site url>”;
string userName = “<user name>”;
string password = “<password>”;
SecureString passWord = new SecureString();

//creating the context of the SharePoint site
using (ClientContext clientCtx = new ClientContext(webUrl))
foreach (char c in password.ToCharArray())

clientCtx.Credentials = new SharePointOnlineCredentials(userName, passWord);

//preparing the search query options
Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters peoplePickerQuery =
new Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerQueryParameters();

peoplePickerQuery.AllowEmailAddresses = true;
peoplePickerQuery.AllowMultipleEntities = false;
peoplePickerQuery.ForceClaims = false;
peoplePickerQuery.MaximumEntitySuggestions = 60;
peoplePickerQuery.PrincipalType = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.PrincipalType.All;
peoplePickerQuery.PrincipalSource = Microsoft.SharePoint.Client.Utilities.PrincipalSource.All;
peoplePickerQuery.QueryString = userToFind;
peoplePickerQuery.AllUrlZones = true;

peoplePickerQuery.SharePointGroupID = 0;
peoplePickerQuery.WebApplicationID = new Guid(“00000000-0000-0000-0000-000000000000”);

//Using peoplepicker webservice and searchquery getting the matched userInformations from SharePoint
ClientResult<String> resultData =
Microsoft.SharePoint.ApplicationPages.ClientPickerQuery.ClientPeoplePickerWebServiceInterface.ClientPeoplePickerSearchUser(clientCtx, peoplePickerQuery);

if (resultData != null)
Object[] queryMatchesFound = (Object[])clientCtx.ParseObjectFromJsonString(resultData.Value);

for (var i = 0; i < queryMatchesFound.Length; i++)
Dictionary<string, object> obj = (Dictionary<string, object>)queryMatchesFound[i];

try { string loginName = obj[“Key”].ToString(); } catch { } //this will give the loginName of the user
try { string email = obj[“Description”].ToString(); } catch { } //this will give the email of the user
try { string Title = obj[“DisplayText”].ToString(); } catch { } //this will give the title/DisplayName of the user
try { string entityType = obj[“EntityType”].ToString(); } catch { } //this will give the type of the object whether it is a group or user

catch { }
catch { }


In this example, I am getting the values in JsonString format. Then I am converting it to object and by looping the collection we can get the required info about the users like loginname, displayname, email etc.

In this blog, I have explained have you can get multiple users based on wildcard search based on either start name or last name or email id or with a partial name. Hope this information will help you out in a few scenarios.

This solution is brought to you by our SharePoint professionals.

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